Quality politicy

Quality politicy

ACADEMIA AVENIDA AL ESPAÑOL is a non-regulated Training Center, which has among its offer the preparation of the following courses:

  • Access to University: Selectividad, Selectividad UNED, Over 25 and 45.
  • Access to intermediate and higher vocational training cycles.
  • Support classes ESO and Bachillerato
  • Languages: English, French and Spanish for foreigners
  • Civil Service Examinations: Local and National Police and Penitentiary Institution Assistants.

In commitment to the satisfaction of its customers and continuous improvement, ACADEMIA AVENIDA AL ESPAÑOL, has decided to implement its Quality Management System based on the ISO 9001:2015 standard, in order to generate tools that allow to ensure and continuously improve the control that It is carried out on the finished work, as well as its management in general, ensuring the improvement of the service provided.

The implemented Management System is focused as a way to organize the operation of the company based on basic pillars such as the quality of its services, customer satisfaction, risk assessment, analysis of compliance with applicable legal requirements. and the continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the System. For this, our Quality Management System is based on:

  • Quality in management is the responsibility of all members of the company starting from the management.
  • Our organization is oriented towards the satisfaction of all our clients and interested parties, through the commitment to meet their needs and requirements, as well as the legal and regulatory requirements and those of our service.
  • Quality is obtained by planning, executing, reviewing and improving the Management System, keeping in mind at all times the context of the organization, both internal and external.
  • Quality is based on the Continuous Improvement of both production processes and service provision, as well as the effectiveness of the Quality Management System in which preventing errors is a fundamental aspect.
  • The definition of the company’s objectives will be appropriate to the context of the organization and its system and consistent with this policy.
  • We pay the utmost attention to technological developments and possible improvements that new technologies make available to us.
  • Quality requires the participation and collaboration of everyone, so this Policy is communicated to all company employees and interested parties for their knowledge and understanding.

For the effective application of these principles, it is absolutely necessary to support them both from the management team and from all our workers and collaborators.

The direction
Málaga, April 10, 2023

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