What should I do to study in Spain?

Hi there! If you want to study in Spain, talking about selectivity is not easy, but we will try to specify the main ideas. If you want to study at Spanish Universities you need to have information about how to access to the university if you are a foreigner. All students who have a non-Spanish baccalaureate need to take exams to accredit that access. These tests are called PCE (Specific Competency Tests) and are carried out by the UNED.

You should also know that each community in Spain has different requirements, and some universities may have their own, so it’s normal that you don’t know what you have to do.

Therefore, we are going to show you the first 10 steps you should follow:

1. Finish your baccalaureate training as to be able to study in Spain, you need to have your baccalaureate degree from your country of origin, apostille it and translate it into Spanish (not always necessary).

2. Start the approval process. The homologation of your studies is something necessary to be able to access the Spanish university and also to enroll in the entrance exams. (Nothing happens if you do not have the resolution, the receipt is valid for registration.) In Málaga, we carry out this procedure at the Government Subdelegation in Málaga located at Calle Gran Vía de Colón, 50 18071.

3. Know WHAT and WHERE to study. This is important since it is what marks our path, we need to know which subjects we have to choose for the access exam, also to find out about the access mark of the career we want to study. In Andalusia, we don’t need to mark the MODALITY of baccalaureate which means that you need you need to do 3 specific subjects for a degree, for example. Since universities have different criteria, it is important to know where you want to study to know what you really need.

4. Start the studies. You need a program and also dedication to be able to achieve your objective, so our 8-month program distributes the syllabus so that our students are able to assimilate and understand the syllabus before the date of the exam.

5. Registration for exams. You don’t have to worry about anything, the department of studies will contact you to make your inscription for the Specific Competition Tests of UNED. For this we will need your homologation receipt or homologation and your passport. Exams are usually held the first week of June, but you have another opportunity in September, although it is very important to take your exams in the ordinary session so as not to run out of place at the University. We will also have to choose the center where we are going to take the exam.

6. Exams at the UNED center. The exams can be taken both in Spain and in another country, and of course both have the same validity. When UNED confirms the dates we will publish them.

7. Publication of notes. The marks are usually posted 3 or 4 weeks later once we have taken our exam. Our access mark will be 60% of the mark of our Baccalaureate + 40% of the mark obtained in our PCEs exam.

8. Pre-registration. After having our grades, we need to make the university pre-inscription to save a place at the universities we want. Usually this procedure is done online and you will have to choose up to 12 universities in order of preference (you don’t need to fill them all).

9. Confirmation of your place. In the middle of July, the Universities will make final decision, they will contact you via email. If you are accepted, you will need to confirm your study place after you have received an email notification with instructions on how to do the confirmation digitally, pay the registration fees for the first course and thus we can make the final registration. This registration is usually done online, so you can do it from your country.

10. Beginning the Degree. The university course begins in September or October and you will finally have achieved your dream of studying at the University in Spain.

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